It’s been a hard couple of weeks in this country, and I hope you are all safe and well. I don’t remember a time like this ever before and I, probably like some of you, struggle to figure out what to do - how to have an impact. I’m working on that question right now, but my exploration of the structural advantages that have benefited me is in its earliest stages and probably needs some work before I share. I’ll just tell you that I know it’s there and that I’m working on it. I’m also working on how I can have a meaningful impact in my community, which I’ll share as I flesh out details. 

On a related note, it seems to me that this group’s capability to change the way capital is deployed is more important now than ever. Many of you are already focused on helping underrepresented founders access capital to start and grow businesses. Are you investing in underrepresented founders and communities, or would you like to? Please share what you’re doing with the group here in the FB group and let’s help each other serve our friends and neighbors in a way that is impactful and sustainable.