Dear friends,
First and foremost, I hope you are all safe and healthy, and that your families are as well.  It's full speed ahead here keeping our portfolio companies moving forward while balancing things like stay-at-home orders, homeschooling, and the generally massive level of ambiguity.  I have learned to take the news in small doses, and I hope you have too.  At Novel, we're urging CEOs to focus on the basics and to assume that they won't be able to raise capital for a couple of quarters.  I assume you are all saying the same.

A New Way to CONNECT

We have been working to provide a platform where our group can connect and share ideas and knowledge with one another.  Nothing can replace in-person interaction but we feel it is vitally important, now more than ever, to provide a platform for engagement within our network.  That is why we are bringing you the Revenue Based Financing Network.  The Network will serve as a place to build relationships, share information and make lasting connections that will help our movement and ultimately help us all empower entrepreneurs to do their work. 

The Revenue Based Financing Network
Facebook Group

As you know, we have done a few things here in the working group: 

  • First, we formed a network of revenue based financing professionals including fund managers, LPs, ecosystem builders, angel investors, economic developers and entrepreneurs.  That's all of you, and this group is 172 members strong!

  • Now, we are building a place to connect, using Facebook to create a low-lift but effective platform that is widely utilized by many of our group members.  We've made this a closed group, so that the content is focused and our moderators can help curate compelling conversations.  Please join this "members only" community below:


Revenue Based Financing Network

Join Group

A network of alternative and revenue-based venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and pioneers helping to shape the world’s next great businesses.



We have been hearing different things about the SBA CARES act loans that are available, how difficult the process is, and how affiliation rules will impact eligibility.  But the main theme is that no one knows the full story yet.  Do you have knowledge to share?  Feel free to share information on the Revenue Based Financing Network group Facebook page, using the hashtag #SBACARES so we can easily search for topics.

Upcoming Events

COVID-19 and Your Portfolio

We are working on building a panel for an upcoming COVID-19 and Your Portfolio webinar.  We will be including a few partners from our network to represent a full range of experiences.

If you would like to participate, click the link below and send us an email. 

We will be discussing:

  • What are you telling your portfolio companies?

  • How are you helping them through this time of ambiguity?

  • How will this unprecedented event change your business?

I would like to participate

Sign Up Page

Help us grow this community of practice by sending this link on to your colleagues who want to join the movement or learn more!

Signup Page

Share Your Stuff

As always, thank you to those who submitted content, ideas and feedback this go around.  We have gotten several requests to share stories, blog posts, reports and introductions to others in this space. 

Keep the content and introductions coming!

The ask:  Help shape this conversation and group by submitting blog posts, articles, and events that are relevant to this community. You are key to our success here. That is, you author the blog posts, contribute the articles, and organize the events that this community wants to know about. Share your work with us below and we’ll include it in the newsletter.  Click below to do so.

Share blogs, articles, events, content

Don't forget, we depend on you for relevant, impactful content.  
Watch for the next newsletter in two weeks! 
